Over the summer I will take the opportunity to collect a range of primary and secondary research. Visiting museums, studios and galleries in and around Liverpool, places in which I would normally not have the chance to the see during term times. I will produce a sketchbook of observational research developing my current drawing skills; from my days out and trip aboard to Turkey imagery which I may take forward into my 3rd year. I will also continue to collect secondary research keeping up to date with different styles, trend and designers as well as discovering new artists. I am also thinking about volunteering at community centres or after school clubs creating mini workshops to on courage creativity, sharing my skill and knowledge.
Within the remaining time of the course my hope is to develop and grow as a designer specialising in digital interior textiles. Taking as many opportunities as possible to both learn and grow skills that I can take forwarded into future employment. During the summer I also aim to complete an internship or placement within an interior design setting, I aim to have a placement within a digital design studio or with a designer. I feel that this type of environment would be very beneficial to my practice it would give me the opportunity to see first-hand what it is like working within the industry. This would also help me to think about where I see myself working within the future that being either working freelance or a company.